The powdered canned formula. Or the liquid formula.
How many do you go through a week when your child was a newborn?
How much did you wind up paying after a month on it?
Do you find that generic works just as good?
For those who FF,which do you like better Powder or Liquid can?
I have always used the powder-Enfamil Lipil with Iron for all 3 of my boys. Right now I go through a little more then a can a week (my son is 5 months) I don't remember how much he went through as a newborn-when he was first born, we bought the ready to feed bottles. All you have to do is shake and attach a nipple and they're ready to go, so those were really easy. We bought them online
The powdered formula is about $13 a can, so it is almost $60 a month for it. You should find out if you will qualify for WIC.
I haven't used the generic, but a friend of ours did. They used the walmart one and had no problems with it at all.
You are setting up your induction tomorrow, right? Good luck!For those who FF,which do you like better Powder or Liquid can?
Personally the powdered is much more convienent. Yes you have to shake each bottle but you aren't going through the drama of heating the bottle up and listening to baby crying while waiting for the water to get hot enough to heat the liquid formula. Also great since all I had to do is pack an empty bottle or two and the can of formula instead of worrying about keeping it cold and finding somewhere to heat up the bottle when baby got hungry while I was out and about.
I can't tell you at newborn how much my son was eating he had some rather severe allergies and at that point I was trying to breastfeed. He couldn't do that. When I put him on formula I'm pretty sure we went through much more then ';normal'; since he was puking up feedings so he would get another bottle since he would empty his stomach.
He was on neutramigen so sadly no such thing as generic formula for that. It was $25 a can and at about 4 months old he was easily going through 2-3 cans a week.
Just an FYI on generics. When it's a generic for a standard soy of cow based formula they are all pretty much the same thing nutrition wise. They will taste and smell different based on what the company adds to it. The base nutrition like protein, vitamins, minerals and calories per ounce will be the same since they all have to meet the same federal guidelines. It will depend on what your baby likes and tolerates well more then what brand.
I found that allimentum is the same as neutramigen just made by a different company, my son would not drink it at all. He would refuse it if I tried.
I'm not gonna lie, formula is really expensive, i use the powder. A 12.9(ish)ounce can of similac is about 14 dollars. A good size can of Enfamil is 25. When they are newborn a big can can last you a week or two. When my daughter was a newborn i pumped the milk for her and gave up because it was too much of a hassle and it owned my life. Now that she is on powder formula she eats 6-7 4ounce bottles a day. A little can of similac will last me a few days.
She started off on enfamil with lipil before her daddy left and now that hes gone i had to go on wic because i couldnt afford the formula. She had no problems switching over to similac advance , shes still as gassy as she was on enfamil. If you are afraid that you wont be able to afford the formula try contacting your local WIC center. Theres no shame in it at all, i know a lot of people on it.
When my daughter was newborn she was on Enfamil A+, the liquid kind.
We bought 3 cases a month (12 cans in each case). At about $40.00 each. So about $120.00 on formula a month.
2 cans a day. I had to make 2 batches of formula a day, once in the morning, and once before i went to bed, so when she woke up for her feedings, i knew i had enough. Once or twice i had to make formula at 3 am, it wasnt fun, so i always made sure there was formula made.
When my daughter turned 6 months old, i switched her formula to a little cheaper one, it was only $20.00 a case.
I liked the ready to serve liquid (not the concentrate) at first because its simple, pour and feed. One bottle lasts 3 days max after open which is about how much my daughter ate. Honestly its just too expensive and a huge hassle when you want to leave the house. Unless you have the ready to serve bottle which come in 2 ounce and 8 ounce. Still, way too expensive.
I switched to powder so I could leave the house when I ran out of the 2 ounce bottles the hospital sent us home with. It costs about $15 for a 12.9 ounce can and should last about a week for a newborn. I use similac advance and my daughter is growing like a weed with no problems as far as her formula goes.
I don't know if the generic is just as good, it might be if you start it from day 1. Everyone that I know that has switched to a generic has switched back quickly because their babies didn't do so well.
Breastfeeding might help you get your body back but I had my daughter 11 weeks ago and I'm only 1 size above my pre-pregnancy weight already and I formula feed. Its called not sitting on your @ss all day lol. I've seen more then plenty of breastfeeding women or women who did breastfeed that are tubs of lard.
Definitely powder. We tried the liquid and my son vomited it everywhere. It's also hard to get the stains out of clothing.
When he was a newborn we were going through about a can and a half a week. Now he's 6 and a half months and two cans usually last us two weeks.
We've been using the Parent's Choice formula and it works wonderfully. He was on Similac Advance at first but it gave him stomach aches and he just didn't do well on it. The PC brand is only around $12/can for a big can so we spend about $50/month on formula.
I find the liquid concentrate easiest, but it is a lot more expensive. I use enfamil powder. In the morning, I make up a days worth and stick it in the fridge. My daughter has no issues drinking it cold. It is easier that mixing as you go. The powder is easier if you are on the go running errands or whatever. I keep a clean bottle, a ziploc bag with formula and a bottle of water in the diaper bag.
We went through about 2 cans a week when she was a newborn, the smaller Enfamil cans. We use lacto-free as it's best on the baby's tummy. Because we qualify for WIC, they actually pay for the formula, so we've never had to try the generic. But I would try to make sure it's a lactose-free or low-lactose type.
I remember, when we first did WIC, we got all the cans that they had assigned us (I think it was 6) and it came to something like $80 for the month. And she went through it. o_O So, it's a major expense. I wish I could have breastfed her more, so many more benefits.
And we do use powder. It's easier to make it warm and that's how she likes it.
i use SMA formula, and a can of powder lasts about 6 - 7 days. Reece is 6 1/2 mos, he will have around 4 9oz bottles per day. we have some cartons of liquid, for emergencies when we are out and about! when he was a newborn, the powder lasted a bit longer.
ETA she didn't ask about breast feeding. oh and a can cost me around £7.50, sometimes you can get offers 2 for £12... i love those offers :P
my grand baby is 22 mo's old now but in the day we definitely liked the powder and so did little lily ,we did use both the liquid when we were going out.then always the powder. when at home and its a lot cheaper and we had no problems with her drinking either one, but she, from day one sleep all night long from say 6 pm to 7 am everyday and she still goes to bed at 6:30 and sleeps all night until about 6;30 or 7:00 we have been very luck raisen this grand baby and we would like to say her mother is not married and kept her we just baby sit for her she is a full time woking mom at the local hospital she draws blood ther and is going to college everynight of the week she's working to be a registered nurse good luck wit hyour little one and god bless you don
The powder formula has worked better for us. A can usually lasts my daughter almost a week...we're usually opening up a new can towards the very end of the week. We use the Target brand and have had zero problems with it and it is so much cheaper...$11.95 a can compared to $25 a can for Similac!
We just use powdered. Never tried the liquid. I THINK we used about 1 1/2 to 2 cans a week. Enfimil Gentelease is $25. I never tried the generic brands. But only because I was going by what the doc suggested we use for him. He just never suggested generic.
my mom had wic so all the formula was free...
but i think the liquid would be easier to handle cuz its already mixed but it doesnt last very long..the powder isnt that hard to make and it lasts longer..and its cheaper.
i would go to and order it in a bulk amount.
Or you going to try and breastfeed first? I have nothing against formula feeding.. as I did it with my daughter after she was 1 1/2 months old... I perferred the powder in the can.. it is about $25 a Can depending on the brand.. and not that I am against generic..but they upset my daughters tummy. and I would say that I was buying like 5 or six a month.. so thats $100-$125 a month.. but I could be wrong cause its been almost three years.. since I was buying it.. Good luck..
and I would at least try and breastfeed for at least a couple months because than the baby will get all the antibodies and such that are benefits of breastfeeding, and it will help your get your post baby body back better.. Just some ideas!
I do not know why I got a bunch of thumbs down... I was not being rude and telling her what to do, I was just suggesting trying breastfeeding first... geeze.. people are so judgmental..either side of the whole breastfeeding/formula feeding sides..
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